The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas (2024)

IflE TOPEKA DAILY CA1VTAL: THTJBSDAY, SKPTEi.BER 19,1907. rrti- Tvr aha vr fc a-- UiAUUUttUaW II I I i. 1 I 'I Illy I deeds will live as long as memory lasts. I will stay by thee' FATALLY INJURED IN A LAND SLIDE Verdict for Dr. Pierce AGAINST THE Ladies' Home Journal.

Sending truth after a He. It is an old ffnaxim that "a lie will travel seven Jeagues while truth is getting its boots pn," and no doubt hundreds of thousands Kf good people read the unwarranted and pnalicious attack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce nd his Favorite Prescription published In the May (l)4) number of the Ladies Home Journal, with Its great black dis-jplay headings, who never saw the retraction, with Its Inconspicuous heading, published two months Hater.

It was boldly charged in the slanderous and libelous article that Dr. Pierce's UTaYbrite PreSCrlntlon. ttT tti inra" nt FORD COUNTY IS READY FOR THEM HE REPLIES TO SWEDISH KING KANSAS SWEDE LIKES THIS STATE TOO WELL. HUNDREDS OF IMMIGRANTS ARE EXPECTED. A I aUJrf 1 Atchison, Sept.

18. Millard Barry, the teamster who was buried in a sand slide at the old fair grounds, died of his injuries at his home, 20 North First street. The deceased was 46 years of age andls survived by his wife and five children, Mr. Barry held insurance in the Prudential Life Insurance Company and also in the Pacific Railroad Company, in which he was Insured three months ago OLD CLOUD COUNTY SETTLER IS DEAD Tells Oscar He'd Come Home If He Could, Bat He Finds He Can't Leave Kansas. Many Letters Received Inquiring About Prices of Lands Big Demand for Farms and Ranches.

jj CIGARETTES I lllllll rr ll (woman's weaknesses and ailments, contained alcohol and other harmful ingredients. Dr. Pierce promptly brought suit against the publishers of the Ladies' jHome Journal, for $200,000,00 damages. Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr.

Bok, the editor, maliciously published the article containing such false and defamatory Dodge City, Sept. IS. County Clerk S. H. Conaway has recently received inquiries from parties In Sonora, Milo, MeUrose.

Iowa, Rockwell City, matter wjtff the Intent of injuring his toustnesirfurthermore. that no almhni nr Their unparalleled popularity is proof of their superior quality and Iowa, Tulsa, I. Iuka, and To-peka. for lands that could be pur furious, or habit-forming, drugs chased or rented in this county. From Concordia, Sept.

18. Andrew Nelson, an old settler In this county, died at bis home In Arlon township, of heart disease. He bad been seriously ill. foe some time and his death was net unexpected. He leaves a widow, four "sons and three daughters.

One daughter, Mrs. Delos Gardner, Jives in Concordia, and was called to his bedside. Mr. Nelson was an upright, respected man who will be mourned by his family and his friends, the tone of the letters It Is believed that ver ivere, contained in his that said medicine tinequaled value. fv6m native medicinal root anri 'no harmful ingredients what- If favorable terms could be made, which appears to be quite probable, several hundred settlers will be secured for Ford county in the near future.

This will be judging from the inquiries for land and that Mr. liok's malicious stnto- were wholly and absolutely false', the sales already made, a very active 2 Cigarettes as good cost twice much and you can easily prove it Back. i 'in tne retraction season with tne real estate dealers. L. Painter has sold within the past ten of rynV K'-yL aays $58,000 of farming land to parties in Eastern Kansas who will soon become ajonirpjp imminent chemists, nil whom certmed that.

t. ri nm rnn9in ll residents of this county. A number of olrir anvor tho rm iltiTTrrt C2E rhese acta Twera aisn nrAvn in till Tr'afV other land deals are now pending. Not at all discouraged by the unfavorable conditions of this season G. L.

Painter will sow 2,100 acres in wheat this This is an aliment for which pain Balm has proven especially valuable. In almost every Instance it affords prompt and, permanent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, say of it: "After using a plaster and other remedies for three weeks for a bad lame back, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and two application effected a cure." For sale by all drugists. lOcforlO Why Pay More? 3 llll.

fall. This will be the largest acreage of any of the Ford county farmers. The contract for the drilling, in which gaso line engines will be used, has already ju wwun in me supreme Jourt. itut the businesa of Dr. Pierce ws trreatly injured by the publication of the libelous article with Its ifreat display headines.

while hundreds of thousands who read the wickedly defamatory larticle never saw the humble roveline retraction, set In small type and made as Inconspicuous as possible. The matter was. however brought before a Jury in the Supreme Court of New York. State which promptly Tendered a verdict in the Doctor's favor. 'Thus his traducers came to grief and their case slanders "rere ref uted been let.

Although Mr. Painter has al ways been an extensive wheat farmer. yet his next year's acreage will be con siderably greater than any previous year. a ANARGYROS, Manufacturer New York DYING STATEMENT TO BE GIVEN OUT Other farmers will materially increase tneir acreage in wneat ana it is now Illlllllllll I thought that there will be from 160.000 to Ill IP 170.0C0 acres in winter wheat the coming season, which will place this county among the leading wheat producers of the State. 00 iiiiimiiiiiiiiii'1111111 Is the worst disease on earth, yet the edisiest to cure WHEN TOU KNOW On Thursday, the 19th, a sneclal train "I'lllllllllllllllllllHlil POISON will run from here to Hutchinson composed of excursionists to the State Fair, headed by the Dodge City Military Band, which has been engaged to furnish the WHAT TO DO.

Many have pimples, spots on the skin, soi es in the mouth: music for that day. Axtell, Sept. 18. A. S.

Seferhammor, a prominent "Swedish citizen of this place, received au appeal from KIne Oscar to return to Sweden. Mr. Segerharomar prefers to live in Kansas, and has written as follows in response to the King's appeal: "From across the ocean, from the land of the midnight sun, the Tand of flowers and singing birds, of deep and beautiful lakes, the land of the ancient Vikings and the modern, sturdy Swedes, there comes a message from the venerable, noble King calling the sons and daughters of the old fatherland to return to their native country. The King, that large-hearted, far-sighted, learned and noble monarch; Oscai- II. has beheld with keen regret thousands of his best people leaving their firesides and their altars, their homes and their country and have sailed for a distant shore, never to return.

It has grieved his patrotic heart. He has seen how the working classes, the bulwark of any nation, have left and thus made his country so much poorer. In a few years he has seen these, same people enriched with the wealth and material blessings of the land of the free and the home pf the brave. Therefore, we admit that his plan to Induce his children to return to their native county and to bring--with them their millions of Uncle Sam's dollars is a wise move the plan of a statesman. But will they do it? Will not the gentle and fatherly call fall upon deaf ears? Will they leave this country when there is xo better on: this earth? Shall we Swedish-Amefieans gather in one great circle and raise Old Glory to the breezes, letting the Stars-and Stripes wave over our heads, take one last, longing look and bid farewell and Never! The flag that a great many of us followed at Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Vicksburg and Gettyburg, the flag that we followed with Sherman to-the sea.

with "Teddy" up San Juan hill, with Funston In the Philippines, the flag we followed In times of trials and hardships, shall we desert it now In times of greatest prosperity? No. We came here with the intention of making this country our home, and so we have done. We have settled on our homesteads, we have improved them and work in the sweat of our brows. Our children are here with ms. And we, who live on the.

Kansas prairies, we, who live here in the greatest and most beautiful State In the West, shall we for one brief moment think of leaving our farms, our beautiful homes and emigrate to another country? Ah, no, I know not what others may do as for example our brethren In the East but as for me let me live and let me die in glorious Kansas. As a boy I listened to the prairie lark in the morning and my heart wa enrapt in song; I viewed the glorious morning sunrise on the wide expanse of the virgin Kansas prairies; I saw the golden sunset and the beautiful, ajeure, sky, the bright stars looking down upon me from the clear heavens and my soul was thrilled. Barefoot and with fishing rod in hand 1 wended roy to the still, small brook In the gentle stillness of a summer afternoon. It was my joy. With my school books in one hand and the dinner pail In the other, dressed in fur cap and tall boots, I prodded away through snow and ice in the brisk-wintry morning to th little school house by the hill.

What I learned there I shall never forget, the Impressions received those days upon my young soul will never be erased. And by studying United States history, geography and American literature, 'as furnished by our readers, patriotism sprang up in my heart andvthls great country, notably Kansas, became dear to me. Many TRY TO WRECK A Doctor James Albert Berry. Specialty diseases of the nose, uicera, falling hair, bone tains, caiaiih and don't know it is BLOOD POISON. Bend to DR.

BROWN. 5)35 Arch street, Philadelphia. for BROWN'S BLOOD CURE, $2.00 per bottle; lasts one month. Sold by F. A.vSnow.

523 Kansas ave. J. M. Brunt, corner Sixth and Jack-eon; Matt Weigh tnan. S35 Kansas avenue.

THRESHING MACHINE Wichita, Sept. 18. Upon motion of County Attorney Ayres in the injunction case against Susan and John Klnseder and W. H. Carroll in the District Court Judge Wilson ordered the defense to make more definite and specific their answers by setting forth wherein there was a misjolner of parties and a misjoiner of causes of action as stated by them.

Another order by the judge was not so pleasing to the county attorney. It was in the case of the State vs. Andrew. Bur-bridge, charged with the murder of his wife. Upon motion of attorneys for the defense, Judge Wilson ordered that the county attorney supply the attorneys for the defense with, a copy of the dying statement of Mary Burbridge.

Attorneys Walter Matson and Dempster Potts filed the motion asking for an order to see the dying statement. SHOOTING AFFRAY IN NEGRO RESORT throat, stomach and Intestines. 725 Kan. ave. Work of Vandals Discovered In Nor YOUTHFUL BUEGLABS 3E ton County.

"Norton, Sept. 18. Billy Davies discov Do You Eaf? Of course you do, but do yea eaf ffte best bakery products in Topeka? it you want the best, come and see us, make pure food In the bakery line. ir- The French Bakery 823 Kosu Artnae. AT CLAY CENTER "Topeka's Soft Water" LAUNDRY Clay Center.

Sept. 18. Two small boys. ered that some vandals had stolen a number of wrenches belonging to his threshing machine which was standing in Frank Robinson's field yesterday. After making a further examination he found that a one Godwin, white, and William Wash ington, colored, are charged with break ing into Aiqulst Son's store on Lincoln avenue and taking a quantity of smoking and chewing tobacco, candy, bananas and lot of old iron bolts and other things The Mm which could do damage had been placed in various parts of the machine, so as to nve cents in casn wmcn happened to nave been left in the till.

make it a total wreck when it was started. Davies has no idea who the guilty The youthful burglars are alleged to have entered through a rear window, and certainly lived high for a while. parties are and he is considerably worried about the matter. BEST WORK PROMPT SERVICE 519 TtL 373 Ambulance Fret FINE NEWSPAPER CUTS. Tel-us THE WIFE BEATER LOCKED HIMSELF IN a ic The Mall and Breeze has one of the most complete photo-engraving plants Lawrence.

Sept. 18. A telephone mes 4 in the West and makes cuts of all kinds for advertising purposes, cata- sage to the officers from North Lawrence V' I 1 J- VI Tfc 2 'A Hutchinson, Sept. 18. Walter Scott, a negro man about 23 years of age, is at the Welsh Hospital with a bullet hole In his side, as a result of a shooting at the Victor smoker, at 125 South Main street.

Will Jackson, also colored, is at the county jail charged with doing the shooting. It seems that Jackson and another colored man named Campbell were playing pool at the Victor, which is a resort for colored people. Some dispute occurred over the game, in which several parties were concerned. Campbell says he was across the street when he heard a shot fired. Back of the smoker several negroes were gathered, when some one fired a revolver and Scott, who is claimed to have been an innocent bystander, was hit.

He was taken to the hospital and his wound found not serious. He will be out in a few days. He was hit in the abdomen, but the shot was deflected and the wound -is not serious. Will Jackson was locked up in the city jail. Today at the hospital Scott was unable to identify Jackson, but he was said that Henry Q.

Parsons was beating SHELLABARGER SON Funeral Directors Licensed Embalmers ogues, books, etc. They are prepared fHO.I.HEBRfS GEO. K. MAYLOB Horren fiaylcr flORSESho*rS si7w. ethsu his wife, and asked that help be sent.

The neighbors had interfered and Par sons locked himself up and refused to to fill promptly all orders for half-tons engravings, zinc etchings and electrotypes and guarantee all work to be first class. The Mail and Breeze, come out. Sheriff Woodward went over and ar rested him and he was put in the county jail. He Was arraigned before Justice 691 Jackson Topeka, Kan. Hones Called for and Delivered N30XU: lad.

1422. BtlSt Brooks. His trial was set for next Mon Parlors Fifth St. day, and his bond was fixed at $300- The MSMH. 1 EMPORIA PASTOR CALLED TO LAWRENCE penalty for the orrense as anegea is a line and imprisonment for any time not exceeding one year.

The statute makes no difference in the punishment for the man who beats his wife and the one who beats a stranger. And while the reformers are at work in the Legislature this is something that should be corrected. locked up in the county jail for further investigation. Lawrence, Sept. 18.

The Baptists In a congregational meeting voted unanimous- a sabbatn morning, summer and winter, and also night and day. I walked, accompanied by my father, four miles to our Lasell Seminary For Young Women. Auburndale. Mass. An UDDsual school.

Combines thorough instruction in usual studies with unique domestic training that flu for liven of cultured usefulness and home happiness. Special opportunities In Household Economics, Music, Art, Law, etc Delightful suburban location, ten miles from Boston. Catalogue (md full information on application. Address C. BKAGDON.

Principal. Anbarndale. Mass. THE TEXAS WONDER; ly to extend a cau to tne Rev. o.

Brown of Emporia. Mr. Brown has been To favorably considered for some "A Ktturninc Lv. Kans. Cy.

H. Usoo A.M. 11 ISO A. M. tier.

m. 10:00 T. M. 10:11 P.M. 10 JO P.

M. Lvave Topeka 4 JO A M. 40 M-ItMA. M. A.

M. ja r. m. list r. m.

TrSS r. M. ts r. u. Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatic troubles; gold by all druggists, ATCHISON COUNTY committee went from here to Emporia some time since and it listened to him or two months' treatment by mall for FEUD IN COURT speak as well as mixed with the congre-i $1.

Dr. E. W. Hall, 226 Olive street. cation.

This committee reported that he City St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. was a great success as a minister. Since that time there has been little doubt S0RKSELE about the call.

Atchison, Sept. 18. A warrant has been issued for William Brandon of Effingham, charging him with assault. The complaining witness is R. B.

Hawk, a TCTf TV! HTfcPL'IO! TRAIN RAN INTO Mr. Brown is said to be a man of fine attainments and has won considerable of ALWAYS RELIABLE' THE WRONG SWITCH a reputation as a preacher. DOVBLS TftAGX-NO STOPS-PAST TUtl -TICKET OFFICES- tiill)'7T FIRST AND' KANSAS AVENUQtSi I KlHlTli- 8jl KANSAS AVET4U3 FIRE DESTROYS A WInfleld. Sept. 18.

Westbound freight THRESHING OUTFIT no. 751, extra, ran into an open switch and on to a siding filled with freight cars in the Southern Kansas yards, resulting in the derailment of the engine and several loaded coal cars, several 'HEY RUBE" WAS THE CRY AT LEAVENWORTH Concordia. Sept, 18. The threshing out fit of Longtln Smith was at work threshing out alfalfa seed on the farm twisted rails and several yards of very badly torn track. The engine pilot was demolished.

It required the labor of an brother of City Clerk Hawk. Brandon, who Is a road supervisor, R. B. and John A. Hawk had a dispute over some road work and Brandon knocked R.

B. Hawk senseless with a pick handle and struck John A. Hawk several times. Brandon claims the two men attacked him while John Hawk says he paid no attention to the dispute until he saw his brother lying on the ground. City Marshal Torbett went to Effingham to place Brandon under arrest.

Veteran Engineer Dan. Atchison. Sept 18 John Andrews, a veteran engineer on the Missouri Pacific, died at his home in Burr Oak. He died of cancer of the stomach and bad been in the Missouri Pacific hospital since February until the first of last week, when he was removed to his home. He Is survived GIRL OF 17 JUMP church.

It was never wearisome. 1 learned as the years, passed by that while the material blessings are great in Kansas and the country rich and beautiful there is also that which offers food for higher aspirations, that which satisfies the longings of the soul even here in this western country and a man has here ample opportunity to lay hold of the'better "And now from a noble sovereign In a country which history says has been and Is now great, from our own dear brethren comes the' Macedonian 'call: 'Come over and help undoubtedly is irresistible. But tte-fdr me, I look out from my happy home this beautiful September morning upon walls of corn, green pastures and large flocks of cattle, horses and sheep, while listening to the songs of birds, the chirping of locusts and the laughter of my boys and the thought comes home to me with irresistible force: Never will I leave Kansas and seek another earthly home. Shall I sell my good farm and beautiful comfortable home for money and say to myiwlfe, 'Let us adieu to this place, say farewell to our friends, worship no more in our sacred turn our backs on everything that has made our lives happy and turn our faces toward the land in the far-away Not I. Our comforts are too great, our happiness too unbounded to ever venture a change.

"Kansas: Thou art richly endowed by thy creator, resplendant in thy beauty, kissed by the gentle breezes, watered by copious rains, warmed by an Italian sun, with nights of azure skies, twinkling stars and tropical moonlight. Thy school houses dot the hills and the valleys; thy church towers point heavenward from every com of W. D. Magaw in South Lawrence township, "and as they returned from dinner they found the hay stack in flames extra force of section men to repair the damage before traffice could be resumed FROM SPEEDING AUTO as well as the threshing machine. Twenty Showmen In Fight With the 44 Town Gang." Leavenworth, Sept.

18. A party of showmen participated In a fight with a nnmher of townmen near Fourth and It seems that the cause of the wreck tons of nay. twenty-live bushels or aiiana was due to the error of a brakeman in seed and the thresher were totally de turning the wrong switch. stroyed entailing a loss of something over $1,000. it is presumed that a spark SHE OVERTOOK HER from the engine ignited the nay.

HORSE BY TELEPHONE BOLD ROBBERY by a wife, four daughters and one son. The deceased had been an engineer with IN HARVEY HOUSE Has Broken Ankle as a Result Does Not Know Why She Did It. Chicago. Sept. II.

While speeding at the rate of 23 miles an hour toward South Bend. where she was to enter 8t. Mary's School. Constance Hyman. years old.

was yesterday seized with an uncontrollable desire to jump from the automobile in which she was riding. She was brought back to her home $70 Forty-eighth place, last night, and she will be kept to her bed tor several weeks with a broken ankle. "I can't say what made me Jump." she Wichita. Sept. 18.

Another evidence of Hutchinson. Sept. 18. An unknown bur with the exception of those arovJnd Ch! cago. were excellent and we reached Lf Porte.

at noon. "We had hardly left La Porto whes Constance Jumped from the car. Sht did not even scream, but just opened the door and leaped out. When-X picked her up she was unconscious, and wo hurried her to La porte, where she received nodical attention. "Motoring Is.

of course, exciting, especially on a long ride, and perhaps th rush through the country had worked en her nerves. I hope it won't become a craze to jump from flying oars. It Is certainly dangerous. EXPOSITION DIRECTOR WAHTS TO QUIT Norfolk. Seat.

11. In a letter ad dressed to the committee of dlreeters which arranged a settlement of differences existing soma weeks age between himself and President Harry St. George Tucker of the Jamestown Exposition, James W. Barr requests to bo relieved of his duties as director-general. Continued conflict between Mr.

Tucker and Mr. Barr over the social features of the exposition caused Mr. Ban's action, lie claims he can net continue la ais position ais self-reeseet. the utility of the telephone was shown last week. A lady living seven miles west on Central avenue hitched up her young driving horse to come to town.

glar did a bold piece of work at the Harvey House and succeeded in getting away with some money belonging to one of the airls enxDloyea at the hotel. The burglar While passing around the tmggy to get in, the horse decided to start out without a driver, heading citywards. The entered the room where the girl was. Cherokee streets, and considerable blood was' spilled. A young man named Lead-man, who lives in the city, grabbed a knife in the hands of one of the showmen and was quite severely cut.

None of the men were badly hurt. J. E. Waldorf, Andrew Johnson, Charles Grume, i showmen, were arrested and taken to the police station. In police court Waldorf was fined $15, Grume forfeited $15, Johnson was fined $10; Urban was dismissed.

None of the town fellows were arrested. The showmen say the townmen started the trouble. The police say there are very few suspicious looking characters with the Bar-num Bailev show. G. H.

Hiteshue was arrested on the charge of vagrancy. His case was continued until the twenty-third. The cases of Frank Wheeler and "William Wren, arrested on suspicion, were continued until the twenty-third. The National Association of Master "Bakers, in session in Chicago, voted to Increase the association's reserve fund. They need the dough.

threw a towel over her face, grabbed the Missouri Pacific for 25 years and most of thta time his run was a thirty-three mile spur from Jamestown to Burr Oak. It is understood that R. T. Beebe will have the run. which is a desirable one.

The brakemen say It Is easy money; that the engineer meets himself coming back. There Is no responsibility and good pay. Mr. Beebe and his family have many friends in Atchison who will hear with regret that they are going away. They will live in Burr Oak.

YALE'S JAP PROFESSOR WEDS AMERICAN GIRL munity, the homes on thy prairies are her pocket book and ran. A scream from lady stepped inside the house, called up the nearest neighbor over the phone, and they proceeded out to the road and stopped her horse, notifying her by- phone that it was all right. She walked to places of happiness and comfort. Kansas. the girl gave tne alarm Dut me man succeeded In escaping by running down thou art dear to me.

I will stay by thee until I hear the bugle calling from a the Santa Fe freight yards. The amount Greater King to go to a better land. where the horse was tied, climbed la the said last night. "Everything was ail right and we were going along st a high speed when I threw open the door and Jumped to the ground. "I will never ride in an automobile again." B.

R. Hyman. father of the Injured girl, said he could give no reason for the accident than that given when people jump from high buildings. "We started for South Bend early in the morning." said Mr. Hyman.

"We left Chicago at 7 o'clock. The roads. of money taken was small. "I cherish the memories of thy great buggy ana made her trip. men and tneir neroic struggles for free BONAPARTE TO CONFER dom and for progress.

The names of Robinson, Ingalls. Plumb, Martin. St SMOOTH ATCHISON CROOK WITH ATTORNEY SIMS Carl Swensson and Charles M. Shel don are bright stars in the firmament of fame and their noble characters and great Chicaeo. Sept.

17. Attorney General Tried to Prove Relationship With Residents. Bonaparte arrived in Chicago tonight from Boston, to confer with District Attorney Sims on the Alton Immunity case. Speaking of the Alton case. Mr.

Bona I parte said: Atchison, Sept. 18. A strange man, with actions of that of a demented person, made a desperate effort to induce Miss Elizabeth Cain of 1320 Kansas avenue, to believe that he was a relative of hers. His Durnose in trvinar to rake iin a re We Will go over lot enure inuauun Fii tomorrow. It is likely, however, mat no Too announcement of our position win oe ISM made until September 24.

when tne xeaerai grand Jury reconvenes. Ran Away With Miss Miriam C. Dins wall of New Haven. New Haven. Sept.

15. Prof. Kan-ichi Asakawa of the department of Japanese civilisation of Tale, has become Americanized, sure enough. He has elected. He has run away with Miss Miriam Dingwall of New Haven, and they were married last Thursday la Washington, D.

where the event was recorded at the Japanese legation. This proceeding was to legalize the marriage in Japan, for Prof. Asakawa evidently wished to stand as much married there as in America. Miss Dingwall's brother, Murdock A-Dingwall, a wholesale grocer here, and one of the leading business men of the city, was about as astonished as man can be when he received word tonight lationship was to obtain money, and he became very angry when she refused to countenance him as a relative. When he knocked on the door.

Miss Cain went to see who was there, and he pushed his way In without an invitation and introduced himself as Alfred saying he was a distant relative of the Cains FOUND OUT A Tralaed If re Mad Discovery. Ask your doctor if he does not think it would be -wise for you to eep a bottle ofAyer's Cherry Pectoral in the house No one la in better position to know the valna of food and drink than a trained nurse. and that he recently came here from the Isle of Man. That's where Miss Cain is from, and it is very evident that he is a genuine crook and obtains money in some Instances in claiming a relationship and relating a hard luck story. He claimed that he was in the San Francisco earthquake and that he lost his wife and child.

He also said that while coming to Atchison from Leavenworth one dar last week. Speaking of coffee, a nurse of Wilkes "I thought she was merely acquainted with hlm, said he, speaking of bis sister and the professor. The couple met when Asakawa was At Vale. He came to this Ch Pectoral Alter Barre, Pa- writes: I used to drink strong coffee myself and suffered greatly from headaches and indigestion. While on a visit to my brothers had a good chance to try Postum Food Cof erry some one stole his- pocketbook, containing iie.

-xne cniei or ponce was notified late Saturday evening and he is just the kind country from Japan to enter Dartmouth and was graduated in 1S39. Then he took a course at Tale, and 12 received the degree of Ph. D- As a Tale student I REVISED FORMULA of a man he is looking for, as he looks never any falling Yrfr off in the grand I flavor of fMTSS Ginser Snaps yf The nicest CrNf I spiciest most I 1 tantalizing nf I snaps 1 ever Bii ft I Iff BISCUIT use a genuine Dad man. CHILD FALLS TWENTY FEET: IS UNINJURED fee, for they drank it altogether in place of ordinary coffee. In two weeks after using Postum I found I was much benefited and finally my headaches disappeared and also the indigestion.

"Naturally have since used Postum among my patients, and have noticed a marked benefit where coffee has. been left off and Postum used. 1 observed a curious fact about Postum when used among niothers. It greatly helps the flow of milk In case where coffee Is inclined to dry It up Kansas City, Sept. 18.

While Mrs. J. O. Line. 536 Barnett avenue, was busy in Asakawa was also a gooa jexm--He attended Grace Church, and there met Miss Dingwall.

On receiving his degree from Tale, Asakawa was appointed a professor at Dartmouth. It was the first professorship conferred on a Japanese in this country. He and Miss Dingwall did not meet again until a year ago last spring; then. Tale having bestowed a professorship- on Asakawa, he came to New Haven to accept- He was here two days only, saw MI-s Dingwall, then set forth for Japan on a year's leave of absence for research. He returned last June.

Meantime. Miss Dingwall had opened a dressmaking establishment here. the front part of her home, her lS-months-old son. James, managed in some man- "A hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult If this should be your experience, send for your doctor. It may be pneumonia! To doctor yourself would be too risky.

If your doctor cannot come at once, give Ay er's Cherry Pectoral. When he coiaes, tell him exactly what you have done. We hate no secrets! We, publish, the formulas of all our. medicines. ner to get through the screen door In the rear of the house and out Onto the back porch.

The porch is at least 20 feet from the- ground, and the baby, by getting too near the edge of the structure, lost its balance and fell to the around. The Asakawas will return here next The mother heard the child scream and ran to see what was the cause of the cry. She found her baby at the foot of the steps in a semi-counscious condition Saturday, and the Wednesday following he will start In as professor at Tale, at the opening of term. He is 30 years old; she two years bis junior. and where tea causes nervousness.

I find trouble in getting servants to make Postum properly. They most always serve it before it has been boiled long enough. It should bo boiled 15 to 20 minutes after boiling begins and served with cream, when It is certainly a delicious Read "The Road to WellviUe" la pkga. "There's a Reason." and sne immediately called Dr. A.

J. Gannon. Aside from severe abrasions on the head and body the child was un Admirers of the convicted boodlers of San Francisco Insist that tcey are inno hurt. It is not thought that the fail will cent. Insistence nrava tho admirers In J.

C. AYER Manufacturing Chemists, Mass. bring fatal results. James is the. eon of nocents.

O. stonemason,.

The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.