The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

The Tampa Tribune, Saturday, December 22, 1990 9-South Bay '1 A HILL TO PLACE AN AD IN THIS CLASSIFIED SECTION CALL Merchandise For Sale PERSON-TO-PERSON 3 LINES 10 DAYS $450 5 trnOOn-t K1 Tn BRANDON 685-4581 FAX 654-0874 RUSKIN 645-4615 PLANT CITY 754r3763 630 TRUCKS -HEAVY DUTY" 205 APTS. UNFURNISHED 380 EMPLOYMENT GEN. 525A HORSES 4 LIVESTOCK 470 PETS-SERVICES 126 ACREAGE 431 COMPUTERS EQUIPMENT ROTTWEILER REG Arab Bay FIHy 3 yo gen FORD 1976 F150 Supercob, -V8, good cond. good work -tniekTMake offer. 1-754-9454 FILL THAT JOB OPENING.

TO PLACE AN AD Coll 685-4581 or 754-3763 AKC female puppy. 11 weeks TREED to 5 Acre parcels. Owner financing. Coil Patrick SUZY BREWER R.E. 681-4370 tle saaate oroxe u'aooer bloodline.

$2000 653-3979 ee i-tos TANDY 1000 20 meg hard mm mm BRANDON ft RIVERVIEW 1 MONTH FREE RENT Duplexes, Villas, Patio Homes: 243 BR, 18,2 Ba, WD hookup, firept coin cell, mini blinds, dlshwshr.fences. From $400mo (1 MO. FREE with year lease) CALL 685-0550 ANYTIME KW 1974 290 Cummins, 13 spd. REG. QTR horse brood mare.

ROTTWEILER PUPPIES 385 RESUME SERVICES 130 good work truck, Call after 6pm 684-2713 orive, 04UK kam woot mafrlce printer, wide carriage, some software, L-shaped desk ft printer cabinet. $1450 OBO. 659-2520 FARMS, GROVES RANCHES AKC females, aM shots, la parents on premises. Priced right for Xmas, ready now, $300. 904-567-3966 Iv message.

VANS LASER quality resume. Limited time offer $25.00. Up to 3 pages. Fast service 685-4468 631 expecting baby soon, $450. Reg.

'h Arab colt, 2 yrs, greenbroke, flashy, $500. Reg. Thoroughbred Gelding, 9 yrs 16 hands $600. Pony $150. Christmas special Donkeys $30 each, 4 for $100.

WIN take trades, hauling available. 904-567-1332 450 SPORTING GOODS BRANDON 1BR Apt. $340 21 new carpet w-d hkup $475 Next to Sheriffs Dept. Oak Manor ft Grove. 685-0989 ROTTWEILER PUPPY, AKC 8 OLOSMOBILE 1989 Cutlass Supreme, mint cond.

Days 1-666-3187, nights 858-9592 DODGE 1981 RAM, cargo 3 spa neeas some wotk, $1000 OBO. 681-7482 Oft 3pm mo. female, snow quality. Health guarantee. Terms Avollable 621-1015 GOLF, ft 100'S of sets, r.crd.rJIs 4C3 new ft usea.

Buy-sentraae. 10,000 golf baHs. 651-1768 CHAIRS, Highback ft basest SMALL MARE, very gentle BRANDON. EL DORADO APTS. 217 N.

Kings Ave 1 ft 2BR. Starting at $320. Nr shopping. Mgr. 132.

689-3658 5 ACRE Farm, 150' State hwy frontage. House, 2BR, 1 ba block. 155,000 with $35,000 assumable. Call days 1-666-3187, nights 858-9592 ROTTWEILER Pups AKC champ. Vet check ft shots.

$350 ft up 813-942-7446 trom new van. suapor 9r Pete MARCY. Pro 1, weight ma out spirited; needs experienced rider. $200. 634-1 157 chine smj or ooo 253-0316 2 YEAR FILLIES BW Toblono 400 MISC.

FOR SALE 632 JEEPS-DUNE BUGGIES' SMITH ft WESSON 143 OUT OF STATE ana sorw. Going gooa under saddle. Terms considered. 689-2611 or 665-2616. PEPPERTREEAPTS.

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MOVE IN SPECIAL 1, 3BR Available. $199 Moves you In. 684-2440 ROTTWEILER, AKC 3rd generation. Select Ch. Rhomarks, Axel V.

Lerchenseld descent. Qlty. puppies. Health Guarantee. Will take dep.

264-4246. CAR pullout Sony CD player ft 44 magnum silhouette, model JEEP 1989 Grand Wogoneer, 29. 10 inch barrel new in box. $500 or trade. 6890630 tuner wcassene.

sjmi uuu Call 737-3070 SELLING SADDLE OR HORSE ioaoea, exc. cona mi. $19,000. 1-737-1555, 289-410 TENNESSE, Trousdole county Hortsvllle, 40 ocres, hillside, beautiful view, plenty deer $30,000 Call aft 6pm 684-27 13 SIAMESE Cats ft kittens, free Place a 3 line ad tor 10 days only $4.50. 685-4581, 754-3763 on breeders terms or $25 out- 460 POWER MOWERS NEW ft USED JEEPS B.M.

SMITH MOTORS CRYSTAL China stereo ft speakers, all wood queen bedroom set. European living room Shrunk. 689-9426 rlgnt. 677-5852 525C 752-5167 229-1475 HOMEOWNER'S X-mas spe PLANT CITY: VACATION ATMOSPHERE YR ROUNDI Va OFF 1st MO RENT or FREE BASIC CABLE with 1st year's lease. Pool, celling fans, laundry hookups ft laundry room.

1,2 ft 3 BR's, Coll Betsy Qt 754-6494 I HAVE OUT-OF-STATE PROPERTY FOR Place a 3 line od tor 10 days only $4.50. 685-4581, 754-3763 WIRE Haired Fox Terrier, AKC beautiful female, I wks, excellent family dog. $175 or best offer. 1-644-1395 cial, new mowers trom $189 while they lost. 681-8211 dlr DOGHOUSE, new shingled roof, sturdy.

For medium-krge dog. 850. 685-1913 635 MOTORCYCLES COASTAL BERMUDA HAY, LARGE ROLLS. WILL LOAD. 677-6330 469 NURSERIES-TREES YAMAHA 1990 200 BLASTER 4 wheeler, excellent condition.

HAY-FERTILIZED PANGOLA, YORKIE PUPPIES, AKC VET CHECKED $350 659-2513 GO-CART $175 Klrby Vocuum ft Attach. $75 6894112 Manufactured Homes 150 1Q Asking $1800 1-737-3569 PbK DALE. CALL AFTER 757-6080 3 WHEELER Honda 2SOR, as YORKIES, AKC 3 males, beau NEW HAY FOR SALE TREE MOVING Also krge shrubs and Palms. Free estimates. Honk's Tree Spode Service.

813-737-1095 GO-CART, Cobra 5hp, Briggs motor, excellent condition. $400. 677-9329. RUSKIN 2BR unfurn, AC U.R. wd hkup, scrn porch.

2BR unfurn, CHA, no pets 645-1447 SEFFNER 2 BR IB CHA, duplex, fully carpeted, aH opplloncev washerdryer hook-ups. dep. Call 684-7003 new, rebuilt, swu obu. Coll 737-3070 Coastal Cross ft Bahla rolls ft tiful, tiny ft nurry. wormea first shots.

837-2232 150 MANUFACTURED HOMES square, John 684-7491. GRANDFATHER dock $600 OBO; canvas top for CJ5 Jeep, $100; 685-4630 Eves. 644 CLASSIC ANTIQUE CARS i 540 POULTRY FREE KITTENS 1-737-1366 470 PETS-SERVICES FACTORY OUTLET- No one under sells us on a Redmonll AL-JAV'S CORNER 754-1821 US 92 ft Bronch Forbes Rd BOBWHITE QUAILS. HAVE AN APT. FOR RENT? 3 lines for 10 days only $18.24 To place od: 685-4581, 754-3763 WILL pickup unwanted birds, tameuntamed, win pay for DRESSED FOR THE HOLI HOT TUB -ELECTRIC 5x7 seats 4 or 6.

$350. 689-9387 VOLVO 1972 1800 ES. Last of i') the volvo sportscors. Green, auto, AC condition. $7200.

654-3415 DAYS. 677-3258 ALASKAN MALAMUTE puppies, Dkxk ft white moles and females, AKC registered, parents on premises, picxup. faooo home, ni-tm 209 HOUSES FURNISHED ROLLER MASSAGER $100. Bath tub whirlpool $35. RV refrigerator $257689-2261 155 MANUFACTURED HOMES IN PARKS 471 EXOTIC PETS -SERVICES Recreation 550 599 645 SPORTS CARS-IMPORTS" ALEXANDRINE or CRIMSON WING Parakeets $350.

NOBLE Macaws SS pr $675. Birds of Ruskln 645-3849 Partially furn. house, Ige. lot 4 miles trom Monasota Beach, fireplace, $75 per person weekly wphone 497-1440 co*ckATOO Umbrella hand-fed, super personality, affectionate, Ind. cage $1800 or WEDDING gown, white, train, sz 78, never used $250 OBO.

620-1095 otter 6pm Miriam JAGUAR 1978 XJ6 i New motor, needs work, $5000. 681-3571 BRANDON E. 12X60, 2BR, 12x24 Fla room, carport, new heat pump, ret, stove furnished. $12,000. 654-0646 orrer aarasora I j-j i-jw 562 CAMPERS-TRAVEL TRAILERS AMERICAN ESKIMO ond 1 Port ShepordLab.

Free to good homes. Will separate. 654-6477 Ask for Bill 210 HOUSES UNFURNISHED MITSUBISHI 1983 CORDIA, 4 spa good cond. $1000 OBO. Call 681-7482 oft 3pm WOODY'S APPLIANCES Used furn.

AC'S, hot water hooters, TV's. Washers $74.50 up. Refrlgs. ranges. Free Del.

In limits 7604 E. Broadway 626-7787 farmer's Market SCO 549 26' STORAGE TRAVEL TRAILER, $350. RUSKIN 645-0813 AUSTRALIAN Shepherd Big, Bold, Beautlfull Personality plus. 14mo. Blue Merle male $150.

986-6072. Pups avai NISSAN 1980 280ZX 5-sp, AC T-tops, stereo, red fan Int. beautiful car. MUST SEEI $3295 OBO. 677-3410 1 27' HOLIDAY Rambler, all amenities, superb cond.

$3,500 Private 689-0630 BLOOMINGDALE 42.5 2000sf LR, famj-m wFP, DR, $825 COUNTRY 1 AC 32, LR, FR wFP, scr porch, born $800 RIVERVIEW 32, new dbl wide MH on 1 ocre $750 mo. SE TAMPA 32, LR, Fornxm, freshly painted $525 mo. McRAE REALTY 681-3062 lable. Reas, Blues, Blacks 22 DBL WIDE Luxurious MH. Featherock MH Park.

Financing avail. $49,900 22 HOMES OF MERIT dbl wide. Plantation Oaks Pork. Financing avail $28,500 4BR 2-12Ba Peoch State dbl wide. Paradise Village park Financing avail $29,900 22 SUNCOAST dbl wide MH, Dav Pom park.

Financing available. $27,500 Call Fred Gallnsky, Realtor eves 654-6593 CENTURY 21 Remke 685-0848 106 MAP AREA 6 123 TOWNHOUSES 500 FRUITS VEGETABLES 400A MISC. WANTED BREEDERS: co*ckatiels, Finch NISSAN 1990 Sentra AC $6599 firm. 684-0220 wk or 685-8027 hm, osk for Angela 584 BOATS es ft moion Ringneck. selling out breeders.

1-757-6793 YOU PICK ORANGES 415 Chapman Rd Lutz 949-1924 ALAFIA RIVER ZMQ Sq.ft. 32 CB deep water dock and seawall. Only 5139,900. John W. Lee, Bkr 669-8635 GAS HEATERS LP OR NATURAL room size.

In working condition. 238-1900 lm. BULL Mastiff ft Rotwelller Mix 1 year old. Good With WHY RENT $500 DOWN GOV'T RESALES E-Z Qualify 10 Fixed Rote 229-8433 Federal Home Properties, mc BRANDON 4BR2BA, den, CHA, fenced yard, $675 per month. 839-2555935-4081 649 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 164' Mad River Explorer Kevkr Canoe, greenwood trim, 54 pas, lifts 1739, used twice $1250 813-371-3784 KIOS.

$75. COH 68V-B653 510 FARM EQUIPMENT CHINCHILLA Persian show 400B GARAGE, YARD SALES, ETC. babies, picturesque, $200- SUMMERFIELD Clubhouse Estates, golfer's paradise, 4B3B, large scrnd pool, FP, on 18th hole. REDUCED $20,000. 677-7799; 228-5162 CHEVY 1980 Monza exc work car, aood cona $500.

BUCKHORN Hills 32 scrn pool, luxurious, win consider short term. $1090mo. WEERS REALTY 653-0773 125 HOMESITES-LOTS $suu or troae. i-4-v4 21' CHRIS CRAFT Shrimp boat 4 cyl. Waukesha dleset, hydraulic winch $1700 677-1549 165 MANUFACTURED HOMES WITH PROPERTY KUBOTA troctor 20HP woods mower, good cond, was $6895 now $5495.

Bridges 681-8211 633-3240 or 677-9363 CHINESE SHAR-PEI PUPPIES, CHEVY 1989 Comoro RS, red 105 MAP AREA 5 PLANT CITY Govt Bargain on 1 ocre MoL, 2905 McGee Ra, 2S40 if 4Br2Ba fom rm huge party roomll 2 frplces, Ig free form scrn (closed Ingmd pool; $105,000. $2500 dn If gual or 194,500 cash. Monlev MoHett, Lie R.E. Brkr. EOH 1-441-5640 anytime TURKEY CREEK 3BR2BA, FR, walking distance to schools, 24 24 workshop, CHA, price reduced.

Com 1-737-2210 1 ACRE CUSTOM HOMES Spoclous 3 4 bedroom homes in Plant City lust N. of 1-4, dose to Brondon Tampa Ready to build to suit your needs-from the 80's. Act Nowl Only 12 Leftl Call Mary 681-4242, ALL STATE HOMES, Open Dally. Only 2 Left, Chocolate, 1 Black, $250 up 1-737-2095 READY FOR CHRISTMAS 4 HP troller $285; 30 cf freezer; 3.5 hp motor, 19" color TV near new furniture. 645-7636 HICKORY HILLS your choice of 27 prime lots In doss neigh.

Call Mary Odum or Viola Wallace Caldwell Banker R.E 685-6510 SUMMERFIELD, 3B2B with enclosed pool, FP, on lake, for sole or rent by owner $900mo. 677-7799; 228-5182 GORDON DR. 11906 12, Oft Balm Rlvervlew Rd. Sot-Sun 10-4, No Early Birds, 76 PU, turn, exercise equip. Topper for sm.

truck, MUCH MORE 5spa 5.0 Hter, tilt, cruise, AC. ontl-thetf. $7895. 1-754-3316 MASSEY Ferguson 150 tractor. 677-0537 OLD HILLS.

ESTATES Exec 42 pool home. Lease purchsell. S1250mo. or $139,500. Mary Odum, Assoc Coidwell Banker R.E.

685-6510 1987, 22, fp, sh roof, siding, 24x44, deck, cha, cm lot trees. $39K. Fin ovoll. 671-3211 CHINESE SHAR-PEI PUPPIES, HAVE A BOAT FOR SALE? Run a 3 line od for 10 days for $4.50. 685-4581, 754-3763 FORD 1982 MUSTANG GL Hatchback, straight 6, air, stereo tape, very nice, $1350 OBO 654-4990 Only 2 Left, 1 Chocolate, 1 Black, $500 up 1-737-2095 READY FOR CHRISTMAS 525A HORSES LIVESTOCK 126 ACREAGE CLEAN 2 br2 ba A-l cond CA, large lot, $2000 down, owner finance.

684-2078 114 WATERFRONT RIVERVIEW on Alofla waterfront 21, laundry rm, shed. TROPICAL ACRES 2 family. antique furniture, books, small appliances, dishes, cook-ware, watertxd, ec 12112 Glenhlll Dr. SotSun Bom-? ARABIANS for sale Will hold CHOW Puppies, AKC, $100 mci water vjw mo 1- io ANTIOCH 2 Acres, oaved rd. 584A BOAT SLIPS -STORAGE good pasture 15 mln NE Tmpo OLDS 1989 Cutlass Supreme SL, fully loaded, paid $11,500, low miles.

$10,400. 621-5164 till Xmas. Terms available. Laura 904-793-7011. eacn.

exotic oiras cnicx-ens. Call anytime 1-737-1876 muuv. yoo-e i rj, vne-zvM SOUTH Brandon 4br3ba, Dbl 1 ocre, 819 S. Kings 775mo 689-5921; 1-778-9304 Commercial llll8(jililil APOLLO BEACH Cobla Cay 3 BR 2.5 BA, Custom two story executive, 125 ft. of sailboat water, 3 car garage, 10400 lb.

boat lift, many extras. Asking $28500 645-6468 co*ckATIELS hondfed babies, Lutlnos $40, Pearls $30, BOAT STORAGE FENCED Well lit area for boattrailer storage. 1-75 ft Atofla River. Free romp access. 677-7789 LAST minute Christmas presents, loveseat, organ, train set, COMPUTER ft more.

308 Regal Pork Dr, 8-2. CALVES, baby cotves, goats, pigeons, misc. for sale. Corner of Macintosh ft Knights REDUCED 4 14 ac on Swindell Rd. N.E of 1-4, Hillsborough 540,000 OBO 1-752-7173 PledS $35.

Call 685-3428 OLDSMOBILE 1987 Toronodo Broughm-loaded, digital -dash, deluxe AM-FM, leather Int. loon value $7740. Must Sell $6950. 684-6868 VALRICO 31 $625 per month. 1100 square feet, privacy fenced.

681-1211 brimn, bar oniy. i-im-hom co*ckATIELS, Grays $25, Cin 180A EXECUTIVE SUITES FLASHY blackwhite Overo, 2 year registered filly. Going namon ana Lunito $30. Call Tampa 664-0744 Transportation 600 649 VALRICO, 31 Va on Va oc treed, Applv, cell fans, weH $480 mo $500 dep. 654-4623 PONTIAC 1986 6000 1 $3000 752-6977 PLANT City Exec.

Offices, fully restored security, $235mo. Will 1-754-3629 gooa unaer soaote. snow or pleasure, terms considered. 689-261 lor 665-2616. co*ckER PUPS, AKC 8 wks old, buff, 1st shots.

2 females; 1 mole. 1-737-1005 WALDEN Lake, 32, 2 car gar, scrnd porch, CHA, $700 or sole, owner fin. 1-754-8185 BRANDON DODGE We pay cash for clean cart Coll 620-4300 COLLIE Puppies AKC all 180B OFFICE SPACE GOATSPygme Two female (pregnant), block, $100 each. 677-8903. 620AUT0 ENGINES, PARTS 4 MISCELLANEOUS shots, 3 males, sable, white ft blue merie.

iz. wv-v SELLING YOUR CAR? 3 Lines for 10 days $4.50 To ploce od: 685-4581, 754-3763 HWY 601-75. 350-900sq ft. Witt divide. Watertrash turn.

Free mo w1 yr Ise. 681-9997 21 MOBILE home partially furn, 2 cor carport, dbl storage shed, scrn porch, community pool, boat romp. $375. Call Marie 685-3584 All Castles Realty, mc 685-7774 COONHOUND, regular treeing walker hounds, well started. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTI MINIATURE HORSES AMHA and AMHR.

28' to 35' $300 to $3500. 689-7943 BERRY'S RADIATORS $30 UP RECOND. $5 OFF 626-4727 OR 685-0752 can tor more into. 264-4W4 GARAGE SALE WEEK-END ADS ONLY $4.62 FOR A 3 LINE AD FRIDAY SATURDAY in 3 Tribune zone editions: 649M MISCELLANEOUS "''X DACHSHUND Pups Minis AKC red ft block ft ton. 10-16 wks.

DANA 44 frontend $150. Dona 60 reorend $100. Hanging HORSES, horse trailers, tack, lets us help with your equine $275 ft $300. 1-665-0421 215 MOBILE HOMES COMPARE COMMUNITY TransTBT case low. lv needs.

MC visa 634-8379 DOBERMAN PUDOies. AKC 17 PROFESSIONAL OfficeRetail space available In Sun City Center at SR 674 Pebble Beach Blvd. Two story complex at the center of this 13,000 resident retirement community (growing at 500 residents per year). For more Information caH Milt Fllnn at 634-3311. JUST IN TIME FOR CHRIST HONDA Civic wagon 1979 new frontend, good tor ports wks, 3 moles, shots ft ears VALRICO 1 bedroom, $65wkly.

Includes utilities, $100 no pets. 685-5517 MAS CHILDPROOF PONIES For Sale Will Deliver 633-2427 croppea. 659-1976; W5z-yj4? BEFORE YOU BUY. Small Enough To Know You Large Enough To Serve You. Community Bulck ft Pontlac 2900 Collins Street Pkmt City 754-2667 or nx.

neeas ny wneet. $350 OBO. Coll 737-3070 DOBIE, male, $75. Border Collie, fm. $75.

G. Sheoherd. PIGMY GOATS FOR SALE 12-22 CRYPTOQUIP JVK NYWOPB KOLUNKK OGY- YKBCK YKC, UBC MUO MKA-LPQKC MWJVPNKB UYQO. Yesterday's Cryptoquip: IF COURTHOUSE IS DECORATED FOR MAYOR'S INAUGURATION, MIGHT THEY USE TRIAL BALLOONS? Today's Cryptoquip clue: equals The Cryptoquip is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands for another. If you think that equals it will equal throughout the puzzle.

Single letters, short words, and words using an apostrophe can give you Clues to locating vowels. Solution is accomplished by trial and error. 1990 by King Features Syndicate, Inc Great pets ft companions for MAZDA 1978 GLC 5 Spd, AC needs heads to run, $200 to AKC male, $300. Golden Re 219 MOBILE HOMESITES norses. 813 973-4000 triever, AKC fm, $300.

All on tlx. $350 OBO. 737-3070 180D heortworm prev. 634-2J0? PARK SPACE TRANSMISSIONS Free Quote MOBILE Home Lots. BEAUTIFUL PARKI Pool, rec hall.

You'll find value buys advertised in Classified each and every day. PIGMY goats, 6mos. females, small ft cute, $75 ea. Palomino mare, gentle ft fat, $450 Will hold for X-mas. 633-2250 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Rebuilt from $100 ft up, guaranteed.

Call Joe 653-2387 the $168mo. Includes water. AKC Large boned 659-0790 sewer, trosn. 677-77M 4x4 oil make specialist. BRANDON: Manufacturing spoce, Light Industrial spoce.

Located neor 1-75 ft Hwy 60 1200 sq.ft. $425 mo. CHRISTIAN HOME REALTY 681-5508; eves 671-1 128 Employment 333 GERMAN SHEPHERDS AKC 2 Crossword FEMALES mom ft daughter, by EugefM Shoffar $175 or $250 OBO 677-5522. INDIAN RINGNECK 180J MINI WAREHOUSE MEDICAL 320 co*ckatells ond Quaker par rots. Breeaers.

CoH 737-1508 EXTRA SPACE CENTER IV 105 FALKENBURG RD. TAMPA, FL. 684-4782 RN wgood hospital exp. needed for Hemo Dialysis Unit. Will train.

1-752-2136 PLANT CITY SOUTH BAY PLUS FREE GARAGE SALE SIGNS Brandon 685-4581 S.BayRuskin 645-4615 Plant City 754-3763 DEADLINE 12 NOON Monday through Friday for next day publication LAB PUPS AKC ree. 687O025 $200 0 340 CLUBS-RESTAURANTS Commercial 1 190 LAB PUPS, English, exceptional, CH. lines, guar .4 will hold for Xmas. 684-7040 BARTENDERS, WAITRESSES, Cooks. Nights.

Experienced. 654-2192 LHASA APSO pups. Clearance, AKC Ewok-foced, cuddle bears, $150 839-6160 1901 MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS MALTESE Pups, AKC very small, 10 wks up. Excellent quoHtv.5375 up. 1-665-0421 CONVENTIONEvents Sales person.

Sun City Center Corp. seeks individual with prior exp. in soliciting business for a hotel and large catering service. Salary plus commission pkg. Apply In person to 137 S.

Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center 7 ACRE, 81 SPACE PARK OWNER FINANCE 968-2127 MINIATURE Plnscher pups, AKC reds ft blocks, tiny little watchdog. 1-665-0421 410 FURNITURE-SALE BED BRASS, Queen, with orthopedic mattress set, unused still In box. Cost $800 Rentals 2C0 249 MINPINS AKC Champion Bread. Petshow give a living gift of love ft companionship.

Will hold till XMAS. $250. to $500. 813-735-0909 350 CLERICAL SECRETARIAL sell $250. CALL 933-36B6 Your customers regularly read the daily newspaper for buying information about your products, and those of your competitors.

sparkler 35 Speed limit, fn some places 36 St. leader 37 Primate 38Apt(?) anagram of 18 Across 45 Radiation 46 Actress Albright 47 "How love thee" 48" true what they 49 Arduous journey 50 Sodom evacuee 51 Meadows 52 Letter 53 Supple-. ment, with "out" DOWN 1 Get a C. e.g. 2 Needle case 3 Rind 4 Those with potential 5 Worship 6 Jaff or Barrett 7 De Wilde of "Shane" 8 Freight 9 Cairo's river 10 Shopper's mecca 11 Sleeping 19 Urn 20 Soon to BEDROOM SET, includes triple dresser, 2 mirrors, 2 2-drawer bedside tables, and 200 ROOMS FOR RENT DATA ENTRY, 65 worn, willing to work 3rd shift.

Apply In person: Clarke American, 404 N. Frontoge Rd, Plant City king size heooooara. $350 obo. 984-5829. NOTICE: Florida Statute 585.195 states that oil dogs and cats sold In Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of Intestinal and external parasites.

SECTIONAL sofa, beige weave, good conamon. Coll 754-3662 MM SECRETARY, Start In early Jon. Knowledge of Spanish desirable. Proficient In PR and computer. Salary commensurate with ed.

exp. and ability. Medical plan. Apply at Good Samaritan Mission, Balm Mon. ft Wed.

Cat Pastor Crui at 634-3176 416 APPLIANCES PERSIAN Himalayan Kittens Colors ft pts, CFA for X-masI 685-9395 REFRIGERATOR WHIRL' POOL FROSTFREE, 17.2 CU 23 24 Ad committee 25 Ram's ma'am 26 Drone 27 Plague 28 Make 29 "Guys and role 31 Uprisings 32 Ukrainian' city 34 George Burns portrayal 35 Says something1 36 Summer- time pests 37 Psycholo; gist Alfred 38 Max of "Barney Miller" 39 Strata- gem 40Suther- land sob 41 Actress Singer 42 Between jobs 43 Use your, eyes 44 Location ACROSS 1 Energy 4 Gas-air mixer, for short 8 Robin Cook book 12 Emulated termites 13 Stench 14 Obsessed seaman 15 What plaintiffs do 16" Lisa" 17 Anger 18 Precious pair 21 "Chances 22 The Judds, e.g. 23 Kasparov's field 26 Weeding device 27 Night-wear, briefly 30 "Battle writer 31 Ladder 32 Eccentric 33 "Rocks" 34 Ring PERSIAN kittens, CFA, shots. From show stock. Hold for Christmas. 634-6604685-6566 The Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended January 23rd, 1989, makes It unlawful to discriminate in the sale, rental and financing of housing on the basis of 'handicop and 'familial status," In addition to the categories of race, color, religion, sex or national origin already barred under the Fair Housing Act.

This Newspaper win not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or our own internal policies pertaining to same. Our readers are hereby Informed that oil dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. FT, WHITE. $175. 737- SALES 370 vu im iv, REFRIGERATOR, GE 18 Cu ft frost free white almost new, PERSIAN Kittens.

CFA. Cuddly, ready for Christmas. Assorted colors 1-856-5009 LICENSED Health Insuronce Agents, 218 advanced commissions. LEADS. 645-3240 $150.

Washer, large capacity, oil settings, nice, $100. Automatic elect, clothes dryer, large capacity, all set- PITBULL puppies, no papers, variety of colors, 6 wks old, $50, call after 5pm. 623-3983 380 EMPLOYMENT GEN. Tings, liuu. urn aenver.

Phone anytime 965-2785 WASHER ft DRYER Sears, 10 months new, $375. 4 piece POODLE, AKC Apricot male, 4 months old, aH shots, house-broken, good with children. $200. 684-8109 CLEANING PERSON: Apply In person at Plant City Wolmort, 1709 S. Collins opener arrive Solution time: 23 mins.

modular sofa $75. 653-iove BRANDON-Near Parsons ft Wheeler share M.H. $40 ft $45 wk. utll Ind. 684-6523 POODLES.

AKC Toymini, 8 wks, reds ft apricots, heorth-y, affectionate, beauties. $2255275, (813) 788-3653 428 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 3 204 APTS. FURNISHED SPOT ADVERTISING WORKS KNEE Brace, MVP, ACL efficiency for left knee, used 2X, In box, $300. 621-4243 BRANDON, 2BR2BA, ground floor, corner unit, poolslde. $650mo.

681-1181 SPOT ADVERTISING WORKS BRANDONMongo effic opt. btwn Lakewood ft Williams on 574. Furn $80wk 689-6963 A I EriGlRl ADO A PUT A JAR CAST AN AGE A ytseie rno I' EmncjA A A RtT ZlSC A CASK EjTLisjP AT" A YOH A TDrJa TP A A SH CASSOWARY A JL EV ibl1eUn1etUn POCKETSISAVINGS PLANT CITY Winter Residents Special. 1BR furn opts. Quiet.

Neor 1-4. 752-7398 1 MM FnnnnnnGO UUUUUuULi'J Yesterday's answer 12-22 HIRtboraugh County and ttv Stat of Florida raquha corn-pa tancy licanaaa for tha tottowtng typaa of contractor Building Construction, Roofing, Plumbing, Elactrtc, Air Conditioning, Machanicaf, Aluminum, Swimming Pools, 8haat Metal. For information, piaaaa contact tha HMaborough County Construction Ucanalng Board at 273-5600. CALL FC3 RATES gg455J MONEYMAKER GARAGEYARD SALE KIT 756 ROOFING 4 SIDING 688 CLEANING SERVICE FIREWOOD 706 727 LAWN MAINTENANCE NOTICE II nflnrlAa RUSS Roofing Co. Free estimates, fair prices.

Call today 685-4426 RC0031305 CLEANING Service residential. Excellent references, will give estimate. 754-1 163 SEASONED FIREWOOD, Pickup or Deliver. 511 TELFAIR RD. N.

BRANDON. 684-0530 A BEAUTIFUL LAWNIII MOW, EDGE, CLEAN-UPS FREE EST. COMMRES. RICK ENGLISH CALL 6854989 i 3 Garage Sale Signs 6 Balloons 1 7 -Step Instruction! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESSI A 3 line ad runs $44.70 per mo. 90 day mln.

Call 685-4581 SEASONED SPLIT FIREWOOD. $50 per pickup load. Will Deliver. 681-8223 FAMILY CLEANING SERVICE Fall Avg. home; also, offices ft yards.

Lie, ft bonded. 1-754-7491 3 Yard Sale Signs 3 Stakes 1 A complete kmdeore service. Unmatched quality and reasonable rates 685-8499 1 2 3 I 14 5 pi 7 5 110 111 TS 16 17 TS 19 20 2i 22 23 I24 125 26 mi 27 (28 29 30 31 "1 32 34 35 36 I i 38 39 40 41 42 43 (44 55 46 47 53 53 50 51 52 53" Hillsborough County ond the Stote of Florida require competency licenses for the following types of contractors: Building Construction, Roofing, Plumbing, Electric, Air Conditioning, Mechanical, Aluminum, Swimming Pools, Sheet Metol. For Information please contact the Hillsborough County Construction Licensing Board at 272-5600 Booklet 1 Inventory Sheet 1 Marker for Signs 1 Secrets of SEPTIC TANKS 762 707 FURNITURE RE FINISHING 1 mounting iviHiermiB 1 215 Peei-Off Pricing 689 CONCRETE-STUCCO BRICK DAN'S LAWN CARE RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL FREE EST. LICINS 681-3432 WE CLEAN SEPTIC TANKS, and install dralnflelds.

626-1216 LICRX0057750 Labels 4 Mini-Signs for WILLIAMS ft Williams, Furn. reflnishlng, antique restoration 26 yrs. exp. 986-4058 Money Making KEEBLER Landscape ft Maintenance. A complete professional lawn sve Lie 685-8124 GarageYard Sales Bulletin Boards CONCRETE WORK JIM TOBAISON Lie 8344 Reasonable.

685-1627 666 APPLIANCE REPAIRS 780A' TRACTOR WORK n. HANDYMAN 710 AVAILABLE ONLY AT: LAWN MAINT. 3 lines for 10 days only $18.48 To ploce od: 685-4581, 754-3763 A-l APPLIANCE Repair ft Service of all major Tampa Tribune Downtown Office FILL DIRT 705 MOWING, Box-blade, FE loader. Shell, dirt ft driveway. Free est.

Mo. rates. 634-7743 appliances, j-dvw ALL HOME REPAIRS AND REMODELING Jim McRoe Lie ft Bonded CRC032257 No ob too small. Free estimates. 681-3062, 685-8235 748A PRESSURE WASHING s.

marker oi. Plant City 101 N. Wheeler HARVLEY'S APPLIANCE INC 45 Yr In Pkmt City 754-3584 GE ft HOTPOINT REPAIR 784 TV-RADIO SERVICE BEST PRICES FILL DIRT ft SHELL) Also MOWING serv. Rentals: dozer truck ft toader Coll todayl 677-1954 677-1738 KEN'S PRESSURE WASHING Sun CltyRuskln 645-7315 ThonoBrandonTT 986-2910 WJU. Brandon Oil ice Sr 505 W.

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Lie RX-O059O54 Free Est. Coll 677-4078, 24 hrs FILL DIRT-TOP SOIL-SHELL Grodlng-Looder-Mowlng-Dlsclng. G. Plttmon 645-1883 CARPENTRY 682 You'll find value buys advertised in Classified each and every day. JACK OF ALL TRADES MASTER OF SOME 28 yrs exper.

634-9678 You'll find buys advertised in Classified each and every day. STEARNS TRUCKING INC Cypress mulch, potting soli, fop soil, peat, fill dirt, shell factor work. 685-9709 LUPTON CARPENTRY An phases of carpentry. Lit 8094. 6lt'MI220 or 628-0 (64 SPOT ADVERTISING WORKS.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.