Export Preview | Digital Logistics Capacity Assessments (2024)

  • Duties and Tax Exemption
    • Emergency response
    • Regular exemption regime (non-emergencyresponse)
    • Exemption certificate applicationprocedure
    • Requirements of the exemption certificatedocument
  • Customs Clearance
    • General information
    • Requirements of the customs clearancedocument
  • Transit regime
    • Procedures to follow
    • Documentation Requirements
    • Goods in Transit to Haiti
    • Charge for Crossing the HaitiBorder
    • Export of Merchandise

Duties and Tax Exemption

Tax Payment Exemption Request, pursuant toAdministrative Provision No. 7204.

Service description:

This service consists of applying what is established inAdministrative Provision No. 7204, which renders the collection ofITBIS ineffective for certain Medical Devices, such as cardiacmarker systems, heart valves, oxygenators, endovascular prostheses,among others. The interested party directs the communication to theGeneral Director of Customs, requesting the application ofexemption from the payment of the ITBIS under the AdministrativeProvision No. 7204 and deposits in the Correspondence and File areaof the General Directorate of Customs Headquarters with therequired documents.


  1. Communication addressed to the General Director of Customsrequesting the Exemption from Payment of Taxes pursuant toAdministrative Provision No. 7204.
  2. Bill of Lading (BL or AWB).
  3. Single Customs Declaration (DUA).
  4. Commercial Invoice.
  5. Tax Settlement Report.

Service cost:

According to what is established Administrative Resolution No.7204 (this may vary).

Time to provide the service:Two (2) business days.

Source: http://www.servicios.dominicana.gob.do/servicio.php?id=1871


Emergency response

In the table below, indicate which of the following agreementsand conventions apply to the country and whether there areothers.

Agreements / Conventions descriptions

Ratified by country?

Member of the WCO (World CustomsOrganization)

Yes, July 28, 2004

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes, June 26, 1999, under notice


OCHA Model Agreement

Yes, September 24, 2014

Tampere Convention (on the provision oftelecommunication resources for disaster mitigation and reliefoperations)


Regional agreements (on emergency / disaster response,but also customs unions, regional integration)

Yes, (DR CAFTA) May 24, 2004

Regular exemption regime (non-emergencyresponse)

National legislation on humanitarian aid includes Customs LawNo. 226 of 2006, which confirms that customs clearance of reliefconsignments for the purpose of export, transit, temporaryadmission and imports, and must be done as a priority. Agreementsor assistance and cooperation agreements are concluded between someUnited Nations agencies and the Government of the DominicanRepublic and are ratified in legislation. Relief shipments do notapply import duties or taxes.

Exemption for Non-Profit Institutions - DGA

General Directorate of Customs

It consists of the facilities of exemption from taxes andcharges on the importation of materials and equipment for the useof non-profit institutions in the country according to Law 122-05.Aimed at: Any regularized Non-Profit Institution, whetherNon-Governmental Organization (NGO), Foundation, among others; dulyrecognized by their respective governing bodies and in compliancewith current legal provisions.


  1. Certification of the Governing Body of the correspondingrequesting institution.
  2. Form F-49 (General Directorate of Tax Legislation of theMinistry of Finance).
  3. Single Customs Declaration (DUA).
  4. Commercial invoice.
  5. Bill of Lading (BL or AWB).
  6. Tax Settlement Report (Printer) Inspected.

Service cost:

  1. Containers or Vans
  2. 10 ’feet US $ 40.00 or its equivalent in Dominican pesos.
  3. 20’ feet US $ 75.00 or its equivalent in Dominican pesos.
  4. 40 ’or 45’ feet US $ 100.00 or its equivalent in Dominicanpesos.
  5. Courier cargo
    1. For each kilo US $ 0.25 up to US $ 10.00 or its equivalent inDominican pesos.
  6. Consolidated cargo
    1. For each kilo US $ 0.25 up to US $ 60.00 or its equivalent inDominican pesos.
  7. Loose / Bulk cargo
    1. Per Metric Ton US $ 0.50 up to US $ 500.00 or its equivalent inDominican pesos.
  8. Vehicles, Equipment and Machinery
    1. Per Unit US $ 100.00 or its equivalent in Dominican pesos.

Steps: The interested party goes to the Governing Body andobtains the accredited resolution, after depositing the requireddocuments with the Ministry of Finance, which will finally send thefile to the General Directorate of Customs with the ExonerationOrder, if approved.

Time to provide the service: Three (3) business days.

Organizational requirements to obtain tax-freestatus

United Nations agencies

  • Basic Agreement on Technical Assistance between the UnitedNations and the Dominican State Article 10 of June 11, 1974 (LetterG, Article X. Note 1, signed with UNDP.
  • Agreement of September 15, 1987 (revision and renewal) signedwith PAHO / WHO.
  • Cooperation agreement with the Government of the DominicanRepublic and WFP signed on September 19, 2006.


  • Specific agreement between the NGO and the Government of theDominican Republic.

Exemption certificate application procedure

Procedure for requesting exemption from duties andtaxes

Overview (include a list of necessarydocumentation)

  • BL / AWB
  • Donation Certificate
  • Certificate of value
  • Certificate of origin
  • Non-radioactive certificate (for food)
  • Certificate of phytosanitary origin (for food)
  • Export invoice

Process to follow (step bystep or flow chart)

The Dominican Republic uses the Single Window for Foreign Trade(VUCE) is a trade facilitation initiative, with the aim ofstreamlining the procedures necessary to carry out the relevantprocesses for importing and exporting goods, through theharmonization of processes and the incorporation of informationtechnologies.

Through the Single Window for Foreign Trade, you can carry outprocedures for permits, licenses and certifications, before orafter the arrival or departure of the merchandise in the DominicanRepublic.

Follow these steps through the VUCE System:

  • Send a letter to the Department of Foreign Affairs of theMinistry of State carefully exemptions, attaching the salesdocumentation.
  • Fill out the specific forms of import tax exemption with theMinistry of Finance, General Direction of Exemptions.
  • Application for import authorization to the Ministry of FoodAgriculture or to the Ministry of Public Health and SocialAssistance, in the case of medicines.
  • Plant import permit Agri-food security or the Department ofAnimal and Plant Health.
  • Request for the Withdrawal of Merchandise from the GeneralDirectorate of Customs.
  • To speed up the process and reduce the delivery time of themerchandise: a letter to the customs collector with detailsrequesting provisional shipments.

Requirements of the exemption certificate document

Document Requirements of the Duty and Tax ExemptionCertificate (per product)


NFI (Shelter, WASH,Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Personal and office supplies

Telecommunication equipment


No, it applies to NGOs, not the UN.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

No, it applies to NGOs, not the UN.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

AWB / BL / Other transport documents

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Donation / Non-commercial certificates

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Packing lists

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Yes, 1 original and 2 copies.

Applies to the UN and to NGOs.

Other documents

Certificate of origin (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Certificate of phytosanitary origin (1 original and 2 copies;applies to UN and NGO);

Fumigation certificate (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Certificate of origin (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Certificate of origin (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Certificate of origin (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Certificate of origin (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Certificate of origin (1 original and 2 copies; applies to UNand NGO)

Additional notes

Additional notes: When the items are notdonated, include the Commercial invoice, the International Agencymust develop Certificates of Donation, value and valuestructure.

Customs Clearance

General information


Document requirements

  • In order to import, a declaration must be presented to customs.In September 2007, the introduction of the Single CustomsDeclaration (DÚA) replaces the old export and import declarationforms. The DUA allows automobile taxpayers to determine theircustoms tax obligations, send information to customselectronically, and make payments electronically. The form is alsointended to facilitate statistical control of foreign trade and theexchange of information with other customs.
  • The DUA must be accompanied by a commercial invoice, transportdocuments (bill of lading if the goods are transported by ship orair waybill, if by plane) and a certificate of origin forpreferential imports. In addition, depending on the product inquestion, permission or authorization to import and correspondingplant and animal health certificates.
  • An important change since the previous revision of theDominican Republic is the elimination of the consular invoicepreviously required to approve all import operations. Thisrequirement was eliminated by Law No. 226-06 of June 21, 2006.
  • As of October 2010, the Integrated Customs Management System(SIGA) was implemented in the country, all import declarations mustbe sent THROUGH this system via the Internet.
  • In the Dominican Republic it is not mandatory to use theservices of a customs agent to carry out foreign trade. However,about 80 percent of customs declarations are made through customsbrokers. Law No. 84-05 of May 2005 establishes new requirements tomake the exercise of these agents more efficient.



Prohibited items

The Dominican Republic prohibits the import of some products forenvironmental and health reasons, in accordance with its nationallegislation or international commitments. Import prohibitions applyequally to all trading partners.

The import of the following items is prohibited:

  • Cars used for five years (Law No. 4-07)
  • To transport heavy goods of more than five tons of capacity andmore than 15 years of vehicle manufacturing. (Law No. 4-07)
  • Used electronics (Law No. 4-07)
  • Human Animal or industrial waste (Law No. 218-84)
  • Toxic waste (Law No. 64-00)
  • Used clothing (Law No. 458-73)
  • Narcotics (Law No. 50-88)
  • Conifers (Law No. 4990-58).
  • Products from Vietnam.

The prohibition applied to motorcycle imports was removedby Law No. 12-01 of 2001

The import of some products is regulated by import permits. Toprotect public health and safety, the environment, flora, fauna andpublic health. Products subject to import permits listed in thefollowing table:

  • In the case of products and by-products of plant and animalorigin, import permits or "authorizations" are issued by theMinistry of Agriculture and must be accompanied by a "no objectionguide".
  • The control by the agricultural authorities is strict and theproducts that are observed due to their phytosanitary status orcontamination are rejected without complaint.
  • In addition, pursuant to Decree No. 1288-04 of October 2004that implements the national provisions of CITES, the importationof plants and animals and their products, parts and derivatives,requires a permit issued by the Ministry of the Environment.
  • The Dominican Republic holds import licenses for variousagricultural products subject to tariff quotas under the WTO andquotas agreed under DR-CAFTA and other preferentialagreements.

General restrictions


Granting of institutionalpermits

Legal instrument


Substances for plant protection and veterinary products.

Ministry of Agriculture

Law No. 4030-55

Law No. 311-68

January 19, 1955

May 24, 1968

Bulbs and seeds, fruits, spices, live plants, fertilizers andpesticides, meat products, fish and crustaceans, live animals,products and by-products of animal origin.

Ministry of Agriculture

Law No. 4030-55

Law No. 4990-58

Law No. 311-68

Law No. 8-65

January 19,1955

August 27, 1958

May 24, 1968

September 8, 1965

Weapons and ammunition

Ministry of Defense

Law No. 36-65

October 17, 1965

Cattle and fresh meat

Ministry of Agriculture

Law No. 4990-58

Law No. 278-66

August 27, 1958

Junes 29, 1966


Ministry of Agriculture

Law No. 4990-58

Law No. 231-71

August 27, 1958

November 22, 1971

Importing telecommunications equipment

Dominican Institute of Telecommunications

Law No. 153-98

May 27, 1998

Gases and substances that deplete the ozone layer

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Law No. 64-00

Ley N ° 311-68

August 18, 2000

May 24, 1968

Ciertas drogas para uso humano y animal, y químicos

Ministry of Health / Ministry of Agriculture

Law No. 42-01

Law No. 50-88

Law No. 4030-55

March 8, 2001

May 30, 1988

January 19, 1955

Requirements of the customs clearancedocument

The following data must be included as aminimum:

  • Identification of the exporter and the importer (name andaddress).
  • Expedition date.
  • Invoice number.
  • Description of the goods (denomination, quality, etc.).
  • Unit of measurement.
  • Quantity of merchandise.
  • Unit value.
  • Total value. Total invoiced value and currency of payment. Theequivalent amount must be indicated in a currency freelyconvertible to euros or another legal tender in the importingMember State.
  • Payment conditions (method and date of payment, discounts,etc.).
  • Delivery conditions according to the correspondingIncoterm.
  • Means of transport.

Customs clearance document requirements (byproduct)


NFI (Shelter, WASH,Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Personal and office supplies

Telecommunication equipment

D&T Certificate of Exemption


1 original and 1 copy

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 1 copy

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 1 copy

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 1 copy

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 1 copy

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 1 copy

Applies to the UN and NGO



Does not apply to the United Nations, applies to NGOs


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


Does not apply to the United Nations, applies to NGOs


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO

AWB / BL / Other transport documents


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO

Donation / Non-commercial certificates


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO

Packing lists


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO

Phytosanitary certificates


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO

Other documents


1 original and 2 copies

Applies to the UN and NGO

Fumigation certificate (1 original and 2 copies; applies to theUN and NGOs); Customs clearance request letter specifying thecustoms agent authorized to manage the clearance process on behalfof the organization.

Customs clearance request letter specifying the customs agentauthorized to manage the clearance process on behalf of theorganization.

Customs clearance request letter specifying the customs agentauthorized to manage the clearance process on behalf of theorganization.

Customs clearance request letter specifying the customs agentauthorized to manage the clearance process on behalf of theorganization.

Customs clearance request letter specifying the customs agentauthorized to manage the clearance process on behalf of theorganization.

Customs clearance request letter specifying the customs agentauthorized to manage the clearance process on behalf of theorganization.

Additional notes


Transit regime

Procedures to follow

  1. Send the required documents through SIGA or electronically andsend the documents, no later than 10:00 A.M. on the day of theverification, informing the scheduled time for the verification, aswell as the number of export containers that will be will includein the schedule of the day. The complete and final documentationmust be submitted before 3:00 P.M. on that day.
  2. The Temporary Admission Registry Department seals the documentsonce the revision has been made.
  3. The documents will be delivered to the Temporary Admissionsupervisor, who will transfer it to a communication system.
  4. The verification is completed, the containers will be sealed,and the custodian will move with the merchandise custody documentsto the port of departure.

Documentation Requirements

  1. Commercial invoice.
  2. DUA export form, through SIGA, duly completed according to thebreakdown of each invoice.
  3. Packing list.
  4. Copy of the CEI-RD Resolution authorizing the product to beexported.
  5. Product authorization certificates when applicable (DNCD,phytosanitary, zoological, sanitary, etc.).
  6. In the case of a Transfer of Free Zone Companies, includeTransfer Form No. 3495 (RD $ 10.00).

Goods in Transit to Haiti

Imports through the Dominican Republic (ports and maritimeairports):

The cargo must be clearly marked "Humanitarian Aid in Transit toHaiti, No Commercial Value". ("Humanitarian Aid in Transit toHaiti, No Commercial Value").

Documentation of the required position includes original copiesof the following documents:

  1. Packing list
  2. Bill of Lading / Air Waybill
  3. Certificate of loading
  4. Declaration of value or invoice
  5. Certificate or donation letter (If applicable)
  6. Certificate of origin (If there is, it is required forfood)
  7. Phytosanitary certificate (If there is, it is required forfood)

Copies of these documents can be used to advance the customsclearance process, but original copies must be provided uponarrival of the cargo to avoid charges. The use of an accredited broker ismandatory in maritime airports and ports.

Charge for Crossing the Haiti Border

Original copies exposed in the delivery charge will be used.If the cargo is purchasedlocally, the documentation requirements are the same (theoriginal). Tax and duty exemptions for cargo moving to Haitimust be requested and processed by the Ministry of Finance in Haitibefore the cargo is transported by road to the border [AH6].Originals of the following are required for the bordercrossing:

  1. Detailed packing list on the truck.
  2. Roadmap of ground transportation.
  3. For transit cargo arriving in Dominican ports: bill of lading /airway bill.
  4. Freight certificate.
  5. Declaration of value or invoice.
  6. Certificate or donation letter (If applicable).
  7. Certificate of origin (If there is, it is required forfood).
  8. Phytosanitary certificate (If there is, it is required forfood).
  9. Import permits issued by the relevant Ministry in Haiti.

To move the cargo, a complete packing list must be presented,signed and sealed by the organization. Please note that the roadmapand packing list must correspond. For example, it is not enough toshow only the number of palettes: the exact number and descriptionof all the elements of each palette must be provided. Furthermore,an additional customs form is required. Both the receivingorganization and the sending organization must have at least onerepresentative at the border to facilitate the crossing. They mustalso have the approval of the Financial Authority of Port-au-Princeto introduce humanitarian aid in Haiti.

From the transitports:

  • Article 135 -. The transit of merchandise to foreign ports willbe allowed, provided that this declaration at the port of departureand emergency, through a special vessel reaches the request of theDominican port. a) -. All the declaration of transit must beaccompanied by a satisfactory bond to cover the amount of thetariff, any sanction that is imposed and unforeseen, and said bondwill not be cancelled, but against the delivery of the foreign portwhere the merchandise was destined.
  • Article 136 - In the case of merchandise in transit to foreignports, the agent or consignee of the ship must present to Customs amanifest expressing triplicate marks, numbers, number and type ofpackage. Gross weight, description of the goods, this value anddestination port. Packages will be marked, and transportation willbe allowed, either directly or with a stopover in the foreignDominican port in another land port, as well as by sea. a) Of thethree copies of the manifest, two will be certified and one of themwill be sent by post to the Customs office of the destination portand the other will be delivered to the Captain of the ship or tothe land transport driver under sealed envelope to be sent to thecorresponding customs. b) A transit declaration must be accompaniedby a satisfactory bond to cover the amount of the duties and taxes,any penalties applied and other expenses that may arise, which willbe cancelled upon receipt of the foreign port of tornaguía wherethe merchandise is destined. For delivery of tornaguía withinninety (90) days for the United States of America and the WestIndies and 180 days for other countries.
  • Article 137 - When the merchandise in transit is to anotherport of final destination in the Republic, the procedures arerequired, and tornaguía is replaced by a letter from the Customsoffice of the port of destination.
  • Article 138 - 60 days after the arrival of the merchandise intransit to the Republic, if it has not been forwarded, anadditional period of 15 days will be granted for the transhipmentor declaration of consumption, except in cases of more justifiedforce.
  • Section 139 - In the case of damaged or deteriorated goods, theCustoms Controller will arrange for the sale at a public auction Ifthe consequences require it, after having the approval of theGeneral Director of Customs and warning in in case it exists thistime.
  • After the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, the DGAestablished in February 2010 emergency measures to be followed byall customs posts at the border, took steps to facilitate thehumanitarian aid movement to import the transit and export.
  • As of April 1, 2011, imports will be declared using the SingleCustoms Declaration Form (DUA), designed for both imports andexports. In the same way, you must make the records required by theIntegrated Customs Management System (SIGA) to obtain thecorresponding token in the Legal Department of the GeneralDirectorate of Customs.

Export of Merchandise

Service description:

It is the service that consists on the exit of merchandise fromthe national customs territory for its final use or consumption inanother country.The interested party electronically submitsthe Single Customs Declaration Form No. 003-2007 (DUA) with therequired documents.


  • Single Customs Declaration (DUA).
  • Cargo Manifest.
  • Bill of Lading (BL or AWB).
  • Commercial Invoice.
  • Packing List.
  • Certificate of Origin.
  • Certification and / or Authorization of Foreign TradeRegulatory Institutions.
  • Free Zones Certification (If applicable)

Export Covered in the Temporary Admission Regime withTransformation.

It is the service through which the exporter is covered by theTemporary Admission Regime with Transformation to carry outit* operations. The interested party submits the required documentsto the Temporary Admission Area.


  • Communication of the Export Application Covered under theTemporary Admission Regime addressed to the Director General ofCustoms, via the Temporary Admission Area with Transformation,requesting the appointment of a Temporary Admission supervisor andwarden.
  • Commercial invoice.
  • DUA Export Form, through SIGA, duly completed according to thebreakdown of each invoice.
  • Packing list.
  • Copy of the CEI-RD Resolution authorizing the product to beexported.
  • Product Authorization Certificates when applicable (DNCD,Phytosanitary, Animal Health, etc.)

The Definitive Customs Regimes

Import, the merchandise destined in the customsdeclaration can be nationalized previous to the fulfilment of thecustoms formalities:

  • Commercial invoice.
  • Bill of Lading or Air Waybill.
  • Single Customs Declaration-DUA.
  • Certificate of Origin.
  • Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Certificate-Agriculture-PROVOFEX-Safety.
  • Certification of No Objection of Public Health.
  • Certification of the Ministry of Environment and NaturalResources and Free Zones, as the case may be.

Complying with the corresponding requirements, the merchandiseremains at the disposal of the consignee, after having paid thetaxes, or having presented the requirements for the application oftariff preference or processed the exemption order for anyexemption.


Regime that allows positioning merchandise in foreign markets.To export, natural or legal exporters of products from Free Zones,Agricultural, Industrial, Mining, among others, must comply withthe records in the different government entities and with theprocedures established according to the exported merchandise.


Customs refund system that contemplates the full or partialrefund of duties and customs taxes on the importation of goods.

The Free Zone

Duty-free regime applicable to merchandise originating from andcoming from abroad that enters the country destined for free zonesthat are subject to preferential treatment with tax exemption asestablished by current legal regulations. In the Dominican Republic(DR), the Free Zones are regulated by Law No. 8-90, January 15,1990.

Suspensive or Temporary

They refer to destinations that allow the entry of foreignmerchandise, without the payment of duties and taxes, in a givenperiod, complying with the requirements established in the legalprovisions and established customs procedures.

The following may be included within the Suspensive or TemporaryCustoms Regimes:

  1. Temporary Admission for Inward Processing.
  2. Temporary Exit for Passive Improvement.
  3. Temporary Admission Without Improvement (TemporaryInternment).
  4. Temporary Admission under a lease with an option to buy orreplace (LeaSing).
  5. e) Temporary Exit.
  6. Tax Deposit.

Temporary Admission for Inbound Processing

Customs regime that allows entry into customs territory withsuspension of payment of duties and taxes, of foreign merchandiseor of another regime to be exported within a certain period, havingreceived a preparation, transformation or repair.

It is regularly required to present:

  • Commercial invoice.
  • Bill of Lading (B / L) or Air Waybill.
  • Customs Declaration Form (DUA), duly completed and specified inregime.
  • Resolution (copy) issued by the Export and Investment Center(CEI-RD).
  • Guarantee (Bond or Guarantee Letter, as established in thecustoms procedures of each country). In the Dominican Republic, LawNo. 84-99, refers to this Regime.

Temporary Departure for Outbound Processing

Customs regime that allows the temporary export of merchandisethat is in the customs territory to be transformed, repaired orelaborated abroad and then to be re-imported with the applicationof the duties and taxes or the exemption established by the legalprovisions.

Temporary Admission Regime Without Improvement(Temporary Internment)

The objective of the Temporary Internment is tofacilitate the introduction of merchandise to be used in anactivity, being re-shipped, returned or re-exported in the samestate that it entered, without modifications or transformations,for the period established in domestic legislation, with complianceof the processes and procedures specified in the country ofdestination.

At the national level, since February 14, 1953, the Dominicancustoms area is regulated under Law No. 3489 on the Customs Regimeand its modifications, which specifies in its articles 51 and 52what is established for the declaration of merchandise, anelementary process to carry out the procedures of this customsregime. Resolution No. 68-06, of October 10, 2006, which refers toTemporary Hospitalization, issued within the regulatory frameworkrequired for the entry of the DR-CAFTA trade agreement. Law No.146-02, of July 26, 2002, on Insurance and Bonds, which regulatesinsurance, reinsurance and surety operations carried out in thecountry.

To enter merchandise in the Dominican Republic to be destined tothis Temporary Internment Regime, the following documentation isrequired:

  • Single Customs Declaration (DUA).
  • Bill of Lading (B / L) or (W / B), Original.
  • Commercial invoice, Original.
  • Guarantee (Deposit) that covers 100% of the taxes.

With this documentation they proceed to

  • Declare the imported merchandise with the DUA.
  • Obtain from the Customs Administration where the merchandiseentered, the settlement sheet or Printer.
  • Acquire the Customs Administration, Form No. 3496 of requestfor delivery on bail.
  • With these two documents, contact an insurance or bank entityto obtain a deposit; document that must be filled out digitally,without erasure, errors or alterations, sealed and signed by therepresentative of the insurance or banking entity.
  • Copy of bill of lading (B / L) or air waybill (W / B).
  • Receipt of RD $ 100.00 (DGA headquarters box).
  • Communication addressed to the General Directorate of Customs(DGA), via the LEGAL DEPARTMENT, requesting authorization forTEMPORARY IMPORT, which can NOT be valid for more than threemonths, indicating the shipment’s purpose.

All the possible explanations, with all the details, should bedeposited in the Processing and Corresponding Department of the DGAmain office.This authorization is granted for three months(90) days, extendable for three periods without exceeding twelvemonths, where the request for re-shipment or the request forpayment of taxes must be made before the merchandise has one yearin the country under that customs regime.

Goods that do not apply for the Temporary AdmissionRegime include; lubricants, fuels, spare parts or other restricted,dangerous or prohibited import products. If introduced, theauthorizations of the corresponding entities are required. EgAnimal Health of Agriculture, Environment, General Directorate ofCustoms.

The Temporary Admission or Temporary AdmissionRegime identified in some of the international regulationshas advantages on the basis of avoiding the payment of taxes onimported merchandise, presenting a deposit as a guarantee to theState of the payment of duties and taxes, in case the importer doesnot comply with the process of re-boarding or requesting thenationalization of the merchandise, customs can execute thedeposit. This merchandise maintains its foreign status until it isauthorized to nationalize at the request of the importer.

Monitoring of both the beneficiary of the authorization issuedand the responsible authority is essential for compliance with theestablished regulations. Failure to comply with the commitment madewith the customs office of destination may generate ex post audit,seizure and confiscation of the imported merchandise.

Temporary Admission under leasing with the option topurchase or replace (Leasing)

Customs regime that allows the entry into the customs territoryof the importation of certain capital goods imported under a leaseagreement, without being modified with the exception ofdepreciation or repair for the use of these goods (equipment,machinery).

Temporary Departure

Customs regime where the merchandise of local production orimported (nationalized), may leave the country temporarily withoutlosing their characteristics and may return to the country withoutpaying the duties and taxes applicable to the import.

Tax Warehouse

Customs regime that allows the goods that arrive at the customsterritory to comply with the formalities and other customsobligations. In the Dominican Republic, Law No. 456 of January 3,1973 establishes the Warehouses for Fiscal Deposit; Decree No.106-96 of March 25, 1996 establishes the Regulations for Warehousesfor the Re-export of Goods. The merchandise is destined to CustomsRegimes, which determine the processes, procedures and legalregulations to apply, as well as Customs Operations.

Customs Operations include:


Customs process that allows goods imported under temporaryimportation and internment to be re-shipped under customs controlin the country of origin, provenance or other destinationabroad;

Customs Transit

Customs operation that allows the merchandise subject toInternational Trade to be transferred under customs control fromone customs office to another, within the customs territory ordestined for abroad, with suspension of payment of import dutiesand taxes upon presentation warranty;


Action under customs control that allows the transfer ofmerchandise from one means of transport to another.

Transfer of merchandise between beneficiaries of theTemporary Admission Regimes with Transformation and Free ExportZones.

It consists of applying the benefits granted by Law 84-99,through which companies covered by the Temporary Admission withTransformation and Free Export Zones regimes can transfer goodsfrom one company to another.

The interested party deposits the documents required by the FreeZones Subdirectorate of the General Directorate of Customs, andafter the transfer is authorized by this Subdirectorate, it isforwarded to the Temporary Admission Area.


  • Letter of Request for Transfer of Merchandise from bothcompanies.
  • DUA import form of the company that receives themerchandise.
  • Export DUA form of the company that sells the merchandise.
  • Letter of Guarantee from the Temporary Admission company thatreceives the merchandise.
  • Commercial invoice on behalf of the company that receives theproduct.
  • Copy of the Directorial Resolution of the Temporary Admissioncompany.
  • Form No. 3495 for the Transfer of Goods from Free Zones(Available in the Customs Administration Offices).
  • Any additional information must be sent to the following e-mailaddress: AdmTempImportaciones@dga.gov.do
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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